This is a wonderful place to do research, and their catalogue is online, so you can make sure they have what you want before you go. You can also mail them with queries.
This website is in it's infancy, and so it is too early to say how useful it might be for genealogists, but it does contain some current information on the town of Tadley and the businesses therein.
A visit to this Record Office is a must if you have Hampshire interests, but if you can't get there, mail them with a specific query and they are extremely helpful. They also sell microfiche copies of just about all the parish registers for all the parishes of Hamphire, plus indexes of pre-1858 Wills, Marriage Allegations, and lots more.
This site gives an index of pre-1837 marriages within the county of Middlesex. It is the work of one person and is an enormously worthwhile effort. Check it out for that elusive connection.