
Research Links : Introduction

The links on the following pages have all been tried and tested. I have used all of them at some time or another to aid me in my research. Some contain original material, others are the results of someone's hard work in indexing and transcribing. Others are guides to further resources. For instance, I have not found it necessary to list Cindi's List in the main body of this page, since it is so well known, and is accessible from many other sites. I have confined the inclusion to sites that are less well know, those which I have merely stumbled across, and those I just like.

Under Useful Background Research you will find a list of books, both general and specific, which I have found of immense use in researching my family - books of social history, as well as those targetted at family researchers.

I have also included a set of links for anyone who wants to create their own website - places to download free graphics, information, and software.