
RAMPTON Distribution in 1998

[ Electoral Roll Address | Hampshire ]

Places where RAMPTONs were living in 1998

This map is based upon data collected from a combined Telephone Directory/Electoral Roll, issued in about 1998. It shows the distribution of the RAMPTON surname at that time - the information may be current. It does not include children below the age of 17 years, and so is not as accurate as the census distribution information contained elsewhere on this site. However, its gives a fascinating picture of how little has changed in 117 years. There were 351 RAMPTON people enumerated in 1881, 42% of whom lived in Hampshire. In 1998, there were 462 RAMPTONs listed, 159 of them (or 34.5%) living in Hampshire.

Numbers living in each county, 1881 compared with 1998:

RAMPTONs in Hampshire in 1998

As in earlier times, more RAMPTONs were living in Hampshire than in any other county in 1998. This distribution map of Hampshire shows the concentrations in the North of the county very clearly. Tadley, Basingstoke and Whitchurch have the largest populations of RAMPTONs, as can be seen from the table following the map.

Towns and Parishes in Hampshire and their Populations: