
Rampton of Whitchurch Family Chart no. 64

spacer Jesse RAMPTON spacer (1)
spacer (2)
Matilda FISHER
born 9 Mar 1861 at Abbots Ann born circa 1867 Hampshire born circa 1865 Stoke Charity
mar. 3 Jan 1891 at Chapel of St Cross, Winchester St Faith
[witnesses Frederick Rampton and Annie Rampton]
mar. 12 May 1894 at Langley, West Bromwich, WOR
d. 23 Dec 1941 at Lincoln LIN, aged 80 d. early 1894 Kingston, SRY d. 1930 Lincoln RD LIN, aged 65 [FreeBMD]
Telegraph Dept (1891)
Engine Driver Electric Station (1901 & 1911)

Their Children

Ivy Coston Frances Edith Emily Alice Irene
bapt. 5 Jun 1892 at Old Basing [parents resident at Long Ditton SRY] born circa 1894 at Long Ditton, SRY born 28 May 1896 at Oldbury West Bromwich, WOR born 1901 Lincoln RD LIN
m. Harold FRANCIS 1921 Lincoln RD LIN [FreeBMD] m. William SOUTHWOOD 5 Mar 1821 at St Martin Lincoln, LIN m. James A BUNN 1928 Lincoln RD LIN [FreeBMD]

Additional Information

Jesse was for a long time a mystery to me, as he did not seem to quite fit into any of the known Hampshire families. I had obtained his birth certificate from Martin Southwood, and on it it states that his mother' maiden name was Mary BROWN. However, his father married Mary RAY and I have no evidence to suggest that Mary Ray died and father Jesse remarried another Mary. However, the fact that this Jesse took as his second wife the sister in law of his brother Frederick, added to the fact that Frederick and family followed Jesse to Lincoln, ties him incontrovertibly to this family.

When he married Mary Ann Coston, Jesse was working as a Telegraph worker and living at 127 Maysoule Road Battersea; when daughter Ivy was baptised in 1892, the family was said to be resident at Long Ditton, SRY; Frances May was also Mary Ann's daughter. When Jesse remarried in 1894 he gave his address as Jackson Street, Langley West Bromwich, and Matilda gave hers as Winchester Hampshire. In 1896 when Edith Emily was born their address was 33 Farm Road Oldbury West Bronwich. By the time of the 1901 census they had settled in St Mary Wigford Lincoln, close to Jesse's brother Frederick, and they were still in Lincoln in 1911. In 1911, Ivy was a packer in a chemical works, and lived as a boarder elsewhere in Lincoln; Frances was a domestic servant in the home of George Staley in Lincoln. Although Ivy, Edith and Alice have been easy to trace after 1911, Frances has not. She does not appear to have married, she may have emigrated. More research is needed on Frances.

When Jesse's will was proved on 15 Jan 1942, Edith Emily SOUTHWOOD was named beneficiary.

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: whitchurch064