
Foster Family Chart no. 90

spacer Joseph FOSTER spacer Mary STRONG
bp. 5 May 1833 at Checkendon, OXF bp. 22 Dec 1833 at Checkendon, OXF
m. 2 Aug 1856 at Checkendon, OXF
bur. 2 Jan 1909 at Warborough, OXF aged 74 bur. 26 Apr 1902 at Warborough, OXF aged 69

Their Children
Alfred Emma Mary Elizabeth George Edward Henry William Alfred Joseph Ellen
born circa 1856 born circa 1858 bp. 24 May 1861 at Checkendon, OXF [living at Woodcott] born circa 1864 at Woodcot, OXF born circa 1866 at Woodcot, OXF born circa 1869
bapt. 28 Mar 1875 at Warborough, OXF
bapt. 30 Apr 1871 at Warborough, OXF born circa 1874 at Warborough, OXF born circa 1877 at Warborough, OXF
bapt. 26 Feb 1883 at Warborough, OXF
m. Mary CROOK circa 1886 m. Martha ? circa 1894
bur. 18 Mar 1950 at Brightwell, BRK aged 79 bur. 24 Aug 1916 at Wallingford St Peter, aged 43 [died in Wallingford Workhouse Infirmary] bur 7 Mar 1883 at Warborough, OXF, aged 6 years

Where They Lived

At the time of the 1851 Census, father Joseph was a 17-year olf farm labourer living at Littlestoke Hamlet, Checkendon. By 1861, he had married Mary, and they were living at South Stoke with children Alfred, Emma and an unnamed 3-week-old child [probably Mary]. It is obvious from the ages/birthplaces of some of their children that at one point, around 1861 to 1866, they lived at Woodcote. By 1871, they had moved to Warborough, and their children were listed as Emma, Elizabeth, George, Edward and William. At the time of the 1881 Census they were still living at Warborough, with Eliza, George, Edward, William, Joseph, and Ellen. It is curious that at least two of their children were not baptised close to their dates of birth, as was the norm. Edward Henry states in all subsequent documents that I have for him that he was born around 1861, and he is listed in the family in the 1871 census, yet he was not baptised until 1875; Ellen was born in 1877 and was listed in the 1881 Census, but was not baptised until a few days before her death at the age of 6 in 1883. In the 1891 Census, the family consists of Joseph and Mary with son Joseph only at home. They are still in Warborough, and close by are Edward and his wife Mary [nee CROOK] and their family, and William and Martha, still to have a family.

[ Edward > Richard > ]

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