
The OTTAWAY Family of Chobham

I am related to the Ottaways of Chobham through my paternal grandmother, Lucy Ellen Ottaway. I have had considerable difficulty in tracing back very far due to the lack of marriage certificate for Lucy's parents, William Frederick Ottaway and Mary Ann Harrison. The marriage certificate, which would have established William's father's name, has still not been traced, but thanks to the diligence of Tricia Otway, we have now been able to establish that he was part of the SMITHERS family in 1871, thereby proving that he was the illegitimate son of Eliza Smithers, nee Ottaway, born in Chertsey Workhouse in 1861. The questions I raised, and the evidence I collected in an attempt to reconcile this puzzle are detailed elsewhere.
The earliest name I have for this family is that of James OTTAWAY, also known as Jacob. He married in Godalming and lived in Chobham for the latter years of his life. However, Tricia Otway has done considerable work on this family and has generously passed on the information in order to help other Ottaway researchers.
All places listed are in Surrey unless otherwise stated.