
Extract of the Will and Inventory of James Rampton,
Died December 1850

This is the last will and testament of me James Rampton of the Parish of Silchester … Carpenter … I give and devise unto and to the use of my dear wife Mary RAMPTON and her assigns all and every my freehold estate messuage house garden buildings workshop outbuildings hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances whereof I am seized in fee situate lying and being in the said Parish of Silchester .. and late the property of William HASKER of Baughurst and Thomas HASKER and Thomas Henry HASKER of Chineham each of the county aforesaid gents ...for the term of her natural life and after the termination of which I give devise and bequeath the said messuages...unto my only daughter Mary RAMPTON and her assigns...during the term of her natural life after the termination of which I give the said messuages... unto the children of my said daughter in case she may happen to have children share and share alike...and in case my said daughter shall have no issue then after the termination of her natural life I give the said messuage....unto my brother and sisters viz. Richard RAMPTON of Mortimer, Sarah ROBINS wife of Thomas ROBINS of the City of London, Elizabeth LAURENCE wife of John LAURENCE of Rotherwick and Maria BENTFORD wife of William BENTFORD of Hurley and also to my wife's brother and sister William BURRETT of Yately and Elizabeth BURRETT of Finchampstead...

I do hereby appoint Thomas HARRIS and James JOHNSON grocers in Reading .. executors of this my last will and testament...

witnessed by John Charles STROUD William WISE Thomas GODDARD

14 May 1851 This is the last will and testament of James Rampton ? and referred to in the bond and affidavit annexed James BLATCH Surrogate