
Rampton of Whitchurch Family Chart no. 65

spacer Tom RAMPTON spacer Kate STATON
born c. 1878 at Mosborough, DBY born circa 1876 Mosborough DBY
m. 1904 Chesterfield RD DBY [FreeBMD]
d. 1966 Chesterfield RD DBY, aged 88 [FreeBMD]
Coal Miner Hewer (1901)
Colliery Corporal Underground (1911)

Their Children

Ada Elizabeth Tom John
born 11 Jan 1905 at Mosborough, DBY born 1906 Mosborough DBY[GRO] born 1908 Mosborough DBY[GRO]
m. Percy HEPWORTH 1953 Chesterfield RD DBY [FreeBMD]
d. 1959 Chesterfield RD DBY, aged 52 [FreeBMD]

Additional Information

In 1911, the family was living in Eckington Chesterfield, and with them was niece Hilda STOKELEY, aged 3. Ada seems to have married quite late in life; I cannot find that either Tom or John married.

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: whitchurch065