
Rampton of Whitchurch Family Chart no. 104

spacer Edgar RAMPTON spacer Rhoda PUTNAM
born 1894 Whitchurch RD born ?
mar. 1924 Amersham RD BKM [FreeBMD]
d. 1959 Amersham RD BKM [FreeBMD]
Gardener's Labourer

Their Children

John Vivian
born 17 Apr 1925 Bradfield RD BRK [FreeBMD]
m. Rose M COATES 1950 Ploughley RD OXF [FreeBMD]
d. 1984 Bullingdon RD OXF, aged 59

Additional Information

I have further information on this family, but it is not yet ready for publication. If you are interested please message me using the Contact form, quoting the Family Group Identifiers below.

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: whitchurch104