
Rampton of Monk Sherborne Family Chart no. 6

spacer Richard RAMPTON spacer Hannah JAMES
bapt. 26 Oct 1696 at MS
mar. on 22 Sep 1720 at Pamber
bur. 5 Dec 1771 at MS bur. 11 Jan 1765 at MS

Children of The Marriage

Richard Sarah Hannah Elizabeth Mary Edith Edward Meriah
bapt. 4 Mar 1721 at MS bapt. 19 Mar 1725 at MS bapt. 18 Sep 1727 at MS bapt. 4 Jan 1731 at MS bapt. 3 Mar 1733 at MS bapt. 7 Dec 1735 at MS bapt. 3 Mar 1739 at MS bapt. 10 Dec 1745 at MS
[mother given as Ann]

Additional Information

Richard was the son of Edward Rampton and Elizabeth WILD, and was baptised at Monk Sherborne on 25 Oct 1696. He married Hannah JAMES at Pamber on 22 Sep 1720, as the Pamber Parish Register shows. No further information is given in the PR entry and so it must remain a matter of conjecture that the Richard who was married in Pamber was the Richard born to Edward and Elizabeth, but given the proximity of the two villages it is not unlikely. Certainly Phillimore's does not list any Richard marrying in Hampshire between 1618 and 1772, and the date of this marriage ties in with the birth of the first child, Richard, in 1721.

The inclusion on this chart of Meriah is dubious. Another Meriah, or Maria, was baptied on the very same day in Stratfield Mortimer, daughter of Richard and Ann Rampton residents of Stratfield Mortimer. It does seem very unlikely that the Stratfield couple should travel to Monk Sherborne on the same day to have their baby baptised twice, unless they had ties with Monk Sherborne. I have not discovered Richard of Stratfield's origins, only surmised that he was born around 1720. Could he be the youngest son of Richard of Monk Sherborne, returning to the family church for the baptism of this second child?

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: monk06