
Rampton of Tadley Family Chart no. 7

spacer John RAMPTON spacer (1) Ann DEADMAN spacer (2) Elizabeth KING
bapt. 14 Mar 1756 b. b.
m. 21 Dec 1782 at Tadley m. 31 May 1800 at Tadley
bur. 2 Aug 1825 at Church Oakley
aged 69 [HGS Index]
bur. 29 May 1799 at Tadley
(died in Childbed)

Children of First Marriage

John John Hannah John Daniel Richard Thomas Maryanne Ann
bapt. 20 Jun 1784 at Tadley bapt. 26 Mar 1786 at Tadley bapt. 27 Jan 1788 at Tadley bapt. 23 Apr 1789 at Tadley bapt. 23 Jan 1791 at Tadley bapt. 5 Jan 1793 at Tadley bapt. 7 Sep 1794 at Tadley bapt. 28 Aug 1796 at Tadley bapt. 26 May 1799 at Tadley
m. Hannah SIMPSON
1 Nov 1827 at Tadley
poss. m. Harriet ROLF 21 Apr 1823 at Baughurst poss. m. William LONG 25 Jul 1831 at Tadley
bur. 29 Apr 1787 at Tadley d. 1876, bur.
18 May 1876
at Tadley
bur. 5 May 1877 at Wootton
St Lawrence
(age 86)
poss. bur 19 Mar
1809 at Tadley
bur. 26 Aug 1799 at Tadley

Children of Second Marriage

George Stephen Elizabeth
bapt. 5 Oct 1800 at Tadley bapt. 22 Nov 1803 at Tadley bapt. 13 Sep 1807 at Tadley
bur. 25 Feb 1824 at Church Oakley aged 23 [HGS Index] d. 23 Mar 1865 at Wootton St Lawrence

Additional Information

I have some difficulty identifying the later history of some of the children of John RAMPTON. In particular, George (bapt. Oct 1800) since John's brother James and wife Ann BOAMS baptised a son George only 3 months later, on 11 Jan 1801. A George RAMPTON married Grace HARMSWORTH in 1831 at Tadley, three sons were born to the couple, the last in 1836; then there is a death of a George in April 1837. So which George married Grace and which George died in 1837? I am tempted to say that the marriage and the death involve the same George, since the last child baptised by the couple was born in 1836, and there appear to have been only three children (a very low number judging by the output of other family members!). Other facts adding to the confusion are: the witnesses to the marriage of George & Grace were Mary Ann RAMPTON and William LONG (George's sister and the man she was about to marry); Mary Anne's marriage to William LONG on 25 Jul 1831 was witnessed by Thomas RAMPTON; both George's had a sister called Mary Anne and a brother called Thomas.

I am tempted to conclude that George belongs to the family of James Rampton and Ann BOAMS, but I need to find a later record for Mary Anne which shows her age (the two Mary Annes were 10 years apart in age) before I can draw a more firm conclusion.