
OTTAWAY of Chobham Chart no. 243

spacer John Stephen OTTAWAY spacer
7 Jun 1894 Winkfield BRK
d. 21 Mar 1972 at Lee-on-Solent HAM, aged 77
probate 17 May 1972
Garden Lad (1911)
Private Royal Marine Light Infantry (1912-)
Bricklayer (1939)

Their Children

Who They Were

John was a Royal Marine, like his brother William. He enlisted on 10 Jan 1912 into the Royal Marin Light Infantry, service number 16205.

Where They Lived

In 1939 John was living with William's widow, Ellen, and her widowed father at 41 Leesland Road Gosport. When she died in 1969, Ellen's address was given as 16 Studland Road Lee on Solent HAM; John Stephen Ottaway gave the same address when he died in 1972, and it is probable that he lived with his widowed sister-in-law for 40 years.

Family Group Identifiers

Family: OTTSRY01
Family Group: ottaway0243