
Rampton of Monk Sherborne Family Chart no. 22

spacer George RAMPTON spacer Eliza MONGER
bapt. 30 Jun 1816 at Pamber born circa 1817 at Upton Grey
mar. on 26 Jan 1850 at Monk Sherborne
d. 9 Jun 1851 at MS
bur. 15 Jun 1851 at MS

Children of The Marriage

bapt. 12 May 1850 at MS
bur. 18 Apr 1851 at MS

Additional Information

George, the son of Christopher and Sarah, was baptised at Pamber Priory in 1816, the only child of this couple not baptised in MS. On 26 Jan 1850, he married Eliza MONGER, the daughter of Isaac Monger, at MS, but sadly George died of Phthisis (Tuberculosis) less than 18 months later, on 9 Jun 1851, and was buried at MS on 15 Jun. They had had one child, Caroline, baptised on 12 May 1850 at MS , but she died whilst a baby and was buried on 18 Apr 1851 at MS. Eliza remained a widow for many years before remarrying on 30 Mar 1867 at MS, her second husband being David PROUTON. [Incidentally, the marriage of Eliza to David Prouton is the last RAMPTON marriage to take place at MS, at least as far as 1971]. By the time of the 1881 census, Eliza had again been widowed, and was living in Charter Alley. She was described as a Laundress, born in Upton Grey, aged 64, and lodging with Charles and Hannah Froomes. The family can also be seen in the 1851 census.

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: monk22