
Rampton of Monk Sherborne Family Chart no. 26

spacer Henry RAMPTON spacer Hannah RUSS
bapt. 27 Sep 1817 at MS
mar. on 27 Nov 1843 at Monk Sherborne

Children of The Marriage

James William Ann Ellen
born 1845 Basingstoke RD bapt. 28 Mar 1847 at Monk Sherborne bapt. 18 Mar 1849 at Monk Sherborne bapt. 22 Dec 1850 at Monk Sherborne

Additional Information

Henry married Hannah RUSS, daughter of William Russ a labourer, on 27 Nov 1843 at MS and had four children that I have been able to trace so far. Henry was described in the marriage register as a bricklayer. I have been unable to find the couple in the 1851 census nor in any later census, nor can I find any death records for either Henry or Hannah. Perhaps they also sought another life in the New World. There is a William in the 1861 census born 1845 Basingstoke, living as a porter in Lambeth, who may be their son, I have not et been able to tie him to any other family.

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: monk26