
Rampton of Monk Sherborne Family Chart no. 48

spacer James RAMPTON spacer Susan F. WORDEN
bapt. 28 Jan 1849 at Wootton St Lawrence born circa 1844 Pennsylvania, USA
mar. 28 Apr 1867 at Beetown, Grant, Wisconsin, USA

Children of The Marriage

Mary E Charlotte M Nettie J
born circa 1868 Wisconsin, USA born circa 1870 Wisconsin, USA born circa 1872 Wisconsin, USA

Additional Information

In the US 1880 Census I found James a prosperous farmer in Iowa, with his (presumably) younger brother helping on the farm:
Danville, Worth, Iowa:
James RAMPTON, self, mar, male, wh., 31, born ENG, Farmer, father born ENG, mother born ENG
Susan F. RAMPTON, wife, mar, female ,wh., 36, born PA, keeps house, father born NY, mother born NJ
Mary E. RAMPTON, dau, sing, female, wh., 12, born WI, at school, father born ENG, mother born PA
Charlotte M. RAMPTON, dau, sing, female, wh., 10, born WI, at school, father born ENG, mother born PA
Nettie J. RAMPTON dau, sing, female, wh., 8, born IAI, at school, father born ENG, mother born PA
John RAMPTON, other, sing, male, wh., 23, born MI, Farm labourer, Farmer, father born ENG, mother born ENG

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: monk48