
WINTERBOTTOM of Nottingham Chart no. 120

spacer John WINTERBOTTOM spacer Julia Violet PHILLIPS
b. 28 Nov 1869 at Gibraltar Place Bellar Gate Nottingham NTT b. 1877
m. 1 Nov 1898 at The Register Office Croydon SRY
Asylum Attendant (1898 & 1899)
Private Soldier (1899)?

Their Children

b. 12 Dec 1899 at Deptford KEN
bap. 24 Dec 1899 at St Nicholas Deptford KEN
m. Ellen WRAGG 1922 Ecclesall Bierlow RD YKS
d. 1963 Wortley RD, aged 64

Who They Were

I have had little luck tracing what happened to John Winterbottom; in 1898 at the time of his marriage his occupation was given as Asylum Attendant at the Cane Hill Asylum Purley. Cane Hill has a fascinating history and there are at least two websites dedicated to preserving memories and photographs: The Cult of Cane Hill and Cane Hill Hospital. He was also described as an Asylum Attendant on 24 Dec 1899 when his son John Lemuel was baptised; but curiously, neither John nor Julia registered John Lemuel's birth, that was done by A B Phillips and the father's occupation was given (erroneously in my opinion) as Private Soldier.

I have written more about the Winterbottom connection to the Ottaways more fully here.

Where They Lived

In 1881, John was living with his parents in Nottingham, but I could not find him in the 1891 census. In 1898, when they married, they both gave their address as Cane Hill Asylum. In 1899, John and Julia were living at 39 Albany Street St Nicholas Deptford. Thereafter, both John and Julia disappeared. I found son John Lemuel living with his Phillips grandparents in Deptford in 1901; and I think I have identified Julia as marrying again in 1914 to Henry J Parsons, but John does not appear in any of the censuses after 1881.

Family Group Identifiers

Family: OTTSRY01
Family Group: winter0120