
Rampton of Monk Sherborne Family Chart no. 10

spacer Richard RAMPTON spacer (1) Hannah SIMPSON spacer (2) Mary BYE
bapt. 12 Nov 1785 at MS
mar. on 4 Apr 1815 (lic.) at Monk Sherborne mar. on 16 Jan 1820 at Monk Sherborne
bur. 21 Sep 1854 age 70 at Tadley
Shoemaker, Sawyer, Labourer

Children of The First Marriage

Elizabeth Anthony
bapt. 21 May 1815 at Tadley bapt. unknown
m. Peter HUGHES [or HUSE] 4 Mar 1837 at Hannington
bur. 3 Jun 1820 an infant at MS

Children of The Second Marriage

Dinah Richard Mary Anne George Patience Rachel
bapt. 3 Jun 1821 at MS bapt. 20 Jul 1823 at MS bapt. 14 May 1826 at MS bapt. 27 Apr 1828 at MS bapt. 9 Nov 1831 at MS bapt. 14 Jun 1835 at MS
mar. David SMITH on 26 May 1847 at Baughurst mar. Gentilda ARES 12 Dec 1849 at Tadley mar. George DAY on 15 Dec 1855 at Tadley
bur. 11 Jul 1864 at Wootton St Lawrence aged 43 bur. 16 Nov 1831 at MS

Additional Information

Richard is variously described, on baptism entries for his children, as a Shoemaker, a Sawyer, and a Labourer. He married twice, firstly to Hannah SIMPSON on 4 Apr 1815, by licence at MS (the licence was required because he described himself as "of Tadley"). One of the witnesses to this marriage was Christopher, although whether his father or his younger brother is not clear. He and Hannah lived for a time in Tadley and had at least one child, Elizabeth, in 1815. Again, a number of gaps in the Tadley Burial Registers between 1817 and 1820 make it difficult to find exactly when Hannah died, but it must have been before the end of 1819, as Richard was described as a Widower when he married again, this time Mary BYE, on 16 Jan 1820 at MS. Together, he and Mary had a further seven children.

At the time of the 1841 census they are listed under West Heath Tadley. In the 1851 Census they were living at Baughurst in the same house as Dinah, her husband David Smith, and her children Jane and George born prior to her marriage. Only George and Rachel were still with Richard and Mary. Richard died in 1854, aged 70, and was buried at Tadley on 21 Sep 1854. In 1861, it was just Mary and George living together; in 1871, George was head of household, and mother Mary was living with him, at The Firs, Tadley. In 1881, George was alone.

Family Group Identifiers

Family Group: monk10