
Rampton Family War Memorial

This memorial page brings together all the Ramptons, both military and civilian, who died as a result of war or conflict.

Albert Rampton
1898 - 1918

Gunner Albert RAMPTON was the son of James and Elizabeth (nee SMITH), who lived in Brimpton near Newbury, having moved there from Tadley/Pamber. Albert was the younger brother of William Percy (see below) and served in the Royal Hosrse Artillery. He died of his wounds in either the Herbert Military Hospital or the Brook War Hospital on on 25 Feb 1918. His service number was 246175. He is buried in the cemetery at Greenwich Kent, and commemorated on the Screen Wall 1.C.B.1074. FindAGrave has no photograph of his memorial as yet. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission also commemorates him.

Albert Edward Rampton
1926 - 1946

Albert Edward RAMPTON was born in 1926 in Poole Dorset to Walter James and Mary (nee BEASLEY). He was, as far as I can determine, the youngest of their three sons. He served as a Sapper in the Royal Engineers, 21 Field Park Company, service number 14895131, and he died on 20 Apr 1946 aged 19. He was buried in Yokohama War Cemetery, British Section, H.C.8. There is a photograph of his grave stone, and more details on the CWGC website.

Albert John Rampton
1918 - 1942

Albert John RAMPTON was born in 1918 in Hackney, son of Albert and Josephine (nee CALVERT). As far as I have been able to tell, so far, he was their only child. He served as a Pilot Officer (Observer), in the RAF Voluntary Reserve, Squadron 15. His service number was 108050. He died on 9 March 1942 and was buried in Alpeldoorn General Cemetery, Netherlands, plot 4 grave 144. There is a photograph of his grave stone, and more details on the CWGC website.

Alfred Rampton
1886 - 1916

Gunner Alfred RAMPTON served in the Royal Garrison Artillery B Siege Battery, and died on 20 Dec 1916 at the VAD Hospital Cooden Bexhill. His service number was 22255. He is buried in the cemetery at Bexhill on Sea Sussex. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has no details of age or parentage, no next of kin on the Gravestone Inscription records; nor is there any mention of relatives on his death certificate.

His army pension record shows that his pension was paid to his mother, Mrs SIMMONS of Birchfield House Sundridge Kent. In the 1911 census, there is an Alfred RAMPTON stationed in Gibraltar, a serving member of Royal Garrison Artillery, so I think this must be the same Alfred. In 1911, Alfred said he was born in Maidstone in 1886, but I cannot find any birth records around that date anywhere near Maidstone. I will continue to search for Alfred's family.

Photograph of his memorial stone.

A[lfred George] Rampton
1897 - 1918

The official CWGC documentation on this soldier is so sad. An initial, not even a full name. No indication of age, just the bare fact that he died on 14 October 1918, less than a month before the Armistice. He was a Private in the Hampshire Regiment 2nd Battalion, and his service number was 23199. Not even the documentation on the CWGC website has any indication of next of kin.

But now, he has a name and a family, because I found his army pension record, so why his online memorials cannot give him the dignity of a name I don't know. He was born Alfred George LONG to Mary Ann LONG, in 1897 in Tadley Hampshire. In 1898, Mary Ann married Henry RAMPTON, and it would appear Alfred was treated as Henry's son. In 1901, he is named Alfred RAMPTON and called Henry's son, although in 1911 he has reverted to the name of LONG (but still son of the household); he obviously signed up as Alfred RAMPTON because all of the records I have seen only have that name. After his death, the pension record shows his mother, living in New Town Tadley, received the money, and after she died, Henry, described as his father, was the recipient. He was buried in Ledeghem Military Cemetery, Belgium, A.44. Photograph of his memorial stone.

Arthur Percy Rampton
1893 - 1917

Corporal Arthur Percy RAMPTON was the son of Frederick and Mary Ann (nee FISHER) of Lincoln, and was born in 1893 in Thames Ditton SRY. He served in the Lincolnshire Regiment 8th Battalion, and was killed in action on 31 July 1917 whilst defending the Ypres Salient. His service number was 12144. He has no grave but is commemorated on the Menin Gate, panel 21, and on the CWGC website

Charles Edward Rampton
1883 - 1916

Charles RAMPTON served as a Private in the Middlesex Regiment 1st Battalion, and died on 14 August 1916, during the Battle of the Somme. His service number was G/9645. He has no know grave, and is commemmorated on the Thiepval Memorial in Picardy France. The reference number is Pier and Face 12D and 13B. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has no details of age or parentage, but through pension records I can confirm that this is Charles Rampton, born circa 1883 to Charles and Susan Emily nee COLLINS, and married to Annie Lilian nee TOMBS. They had four children: Lilian Florence Emily, Charles Edwin, Alice Louisa, and Albert Harry William; all are named on the pension record. The record also gives their address as 18 Appleford Road Kensington.

There is no photograph on the FindAGrave site, but there is a lot of information on the Thiepval Memorial and there is a photograph of all the panels on Pier 13 on the CWGC site.

Ernest Rampton
1896 - 1915

Born circa 1896 in Burghclere, son of Henry Charles RAMPTON and Esther Rosa HOOKER, Ernest died on 5 July 1915 in Basra Iraq. Ernest served in the Hampshire Regiment 1st and 4th Battalions. His service number was 2248. The cemetery at Basra is being restored after having become very dilapidated. Ernest's grave number is II.R.7. His name is also recorded on the Wymering Memorial.

Ernest Frederick Rampton
1889 - 1917

Born 29 April 1889 in Winchester, son of Frederick RAMPTON and Mary Ann FISHER, Ernest died on 24 April 1917 at the Battle of Vimy Ridge. At the time, he was a Corporal in the Royal Canadian Regiment, service number 477754. Ernest had joined the British Royal Marines on 25 July 1906 and was a musician with the Royal Marines Light Infantry until at least 1911, as he can be found stationed with them in Suffolk in the 1911 census. I do not know when or why he emigrated to Canada, but the Canadian Department of Veterans Affairs states that he enlisted on 25 August 1915. The CWGC citation gives his parents names and the fact that he was a native of Lincoln, but makes no mention of his Canadian wife Mary, although the CWGC record of the personal inscription on the memorial reads: Eternal Rest Give to him O Lord May he Rest in Peace and below that the next of kin is given: Mrs M Rampton 22 Starr Street Halifax Nova Scotia. The citation on the CWGC site says he was awarded a DCM. He is buried in La Chaudiere Military Cemetery Vimy VIII.A.9. Photograph of his memorial stone. There is a decorated Book of Remembrance also with Ernest's name on.

The Canadian Regiment lost so many men at Vimy that they commissioned a Canadian National Vimy Memorial in tribute to them.

Frederick George Rampton
1880 - 1919

Born 1880 in Bentley HAM to Daniel RAMPTON and Ann COOMBES, Frederick George served as a Petty Officer and Chief Petty Officer in the Royal Navy. His service number was 183835. He died on 30 July 1919 whilst aboard HMS Princess Margaret and is buried at Tallinn New Garrison Cemetery, Estonia, memorial A5. He was 39 years old, and was married to Emily Maria nee HALL. Photograph of his memorial stone. HMS Princess Margaret was a minelaying ship, deployed to the Baltic at the end of the First World War, during the British intervention in the Russian Revolution, which secured independence for Estonia and Latvia. Since his name does not appear on the Memorial in Portsmouth Cathedral to the men killed during the 1918-19 Baltic expedition, I can only conclude that he died through illness rather than as a result of enemy action.

Frederick George Cecil Rampton
1898 - 1917

Frederick George Cecil RAMPTON was born in or around 1883, son of Thomas RAMPTON and his wife Grace COWPER, in Tasmania Australia. He served in the First Battalion Australian Infantry Base Depot, service number 5214, and died on 11 Jan 1917 aged 18 years. He is commemorated in the Hobart Tasmania Garden of Remembrance, Wall 7 Row E. There is a little additional information on the CWGC website, and a photograph of his memorial here.

Henry Thomas Rampton
1900 - 1916

Henry Thomas was the son of Henry RAMPTON and Catherine CRAWFORD, born circa 1900 in Portsmouth. He died 28 April 1916, aged just 16 years. He was a Private in the Hampshire Regiment, 16th Battalion, service number 20553. He is buried at Portsmouth Kingston Cemetery, Plot Dashwood's 14.34. Photograph of his memorial stone. There are further details at the CWGC website. Henry Thomas was the nephew of Thomas RAMPTON, who died 1919, also commemorated on this page.

James Rampton
1895 - 1916

Born circa 1895 in in Kensington London to William RAMPTON and Emily Beathia MEEDES, James served as a Rifleman in the Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own), service number P/252, and died in France in 1916. He is buried in Hamel Military Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel, II.A.40. He is commemorated on the FindaGrave website, and on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website but there is as yet no photograph of his memorial.

Leonard George Rampton
1885 - 1918

Born circa 1885 in Tadley to George RAMPTON and Edith Annie LAMBERT, Leonard George was a Corporal (acting Sergeant) serving in the Hampshire Regiment, service number 337. He is not commemorated on either the FindaGrave website or on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website but he is listed on the Tadley War Memorial. He died of Tuberculosis of the Kidney, having been discharged from the army in 1915 due to ill health.

Maurice Jetten Rampton
1896 - 1915

Born circa 1896 in Colombo Sri Lanka to Alfred Maurice RAMPTON and Kate JETTEN, Maurice served as a Corporal in the Royal Garrison Artillery, 10th Siege Battery. His service number was 33646. He was killed in action on 11 Dec 1915 and is buried at Cambrin Military Cemetery, E.33. He was 19 years old. Photograph of his memorial stone.

Robert Hooker Rampton
1921 - 1941

Robert Hooker RAMPTON was born 1921 in Reading, to Alfred RAMPTON and Kate E WICKENS. He served as a Sergeant (Observer) in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 50 Squadron, service number 749503. On 25 July 1941, his plane took off from Swinderby bound for Hanover, but the engine failed shortly after take off. The plane crashed 400 yards north-north-west of Stapleford village, and Sgt C.G.Montgomery, Sgt R.H.Rampton, Sgt W.Ellsley, and Sgt A.E.Medden all died in the incident. He is buried, along with 29 other airmen who died 1939-45, in Thurlby St Germain Churchyard. There is a picture of his memorial stone, and photographs of Robert himself, on the FindAGrave website. Further details are also available on the CWGC website, where a memorial certificate can be downloaded.

Thomas Rampton
1885 or 1890 - 1916

Thomas is an enigma. I have not yet identified his parents, although I do know, from the citation on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission site that they lived at 14 Bosworth Road North Kensington. From the same source I know that he was married to Ada nee CHANDLER, and that she lived at 13 Golbourne Gardens North Kensington. However, he seems to fit into either of two Kensington families. In the 1911 census he said he was born circa 1887 in Kingston SRY, but there are no birth records to confirm this. It may be that the census enumerator got the place wrong and should have written Kensington, and maybe his age was incorrectly recorded. In which case, he is either Thomas Moses RAMPTON born 1885 to William and Emily (nee MEEDES), or Thomas born 1890 to Charles and Susan Emily (nee COLLINS). He died 31 August 1916, aged 31 years, at one of the Battles of the Somme. He was a Sergeant in the Middlesex Regiment, 13th Battalion B Company, service number SR/3564. He has no grave, but his name is commemmorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Pier/Face 12D and 13B. His entry on the CWGC website.

Thomas Rampton
1875 - 1919

Henry and Mary (nee HICKS) had twin boys in 1875 in Fulham, Thomas and Henry. Both joined the services; Thomas had been a Gunner in the Royal Navy in 1901, and Henry served in the Royal Marines. Thomas was working as a mason's labourer in 1911, but later joined the Machine Gun Corps as a Private. His service number was 17221. He married, at the age of 43, Fanny BAXTER in Grantham Lincolnshire, and it was there he died on 31 January 1919. He is buried in Londonthorpe St John the Baptish churchyard, Licolnshire. His nephew, Henry Thomas, had died in 1916. Thomas can be found on the CWGC website, and there is a photograph of his memorial stone on FindAGrave.

Walter Frederick Rampton
1885 -1940

Walter Frederick was born in 1887 in Wandsworth to John Edward RAMPTON and Sarah Jane GREEN. He is the only civilian Rampton casualty listed on the CWGC website, and he died as a result of enemy action on 17 October 1940, at his home 22 Overton Road Abbey Wood, Dartford. The citation gives his wife's name, Mary Josephine (nee O'FLYNN), and parents names, but I think this is incorrect. His father was certainly John, although the Edward was not part of the name on his birth registration in 1855, but Hilda Irene was Walter's daughter's name, not his mother's. His entry on FindAGrave has no photograph, but it does confirm that he is buried in Erith Cemetery, London Borough of Bexley. There is a commemorative certificate which is dowloadable from the CWGC website.

Wilfred Charles Rampton
1917 - 1943

Born circa 1917 to Charles RAMPTON and Alice WEBB. Served as Sergeant in the Royal Artillery, 11th Battery, 3 HAA Regt. Service no. 835643. Died 9 Dec 1943 aged 26, buried at Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, Thailand. Awarded the Military Medal. Photograph of his memorial stone. Information on Kanchanaburi and many photographs can be found here.

William Rampton
1895 - 1918

William was born 6 Nov 1896 in Caversham Oxfordshire, to Joseph and Emily Ruth (nee MENGHAM). He was serving as a Private in the Labour Corps, 256th Company, in Northern France when he was killed on 9 April 1918, aged 21 years old. His service number was 378306. His parents are named in the citation and their address is given as 35 Gosbrook Street, Caversham. Photograph of his memorial in Haverskerque British Cemetery, Special Memorial 1, and the citation on the CWGC website.

William Alfred Rampton
1896 - 1916

So far I have been unable to categorically identify William Alfred. The FindAGrave website has his full name and his year and place of birth (1896 Battersea), the CWGC site merely refers to him as WA RAMPTON with no further details. I do not know whether the FindAGrave site is right or not but I suspect that it is. I have no William Alfreds in my database; the GRO has no William Alfreds born in or around 1896 in Battersea or anywhere else. There is, however, a William born 1896 in Wandsworth Registration District, mother's name being COLE, and this fits with Alfred and Elizabeth RAMPTON and their confusing naming of children. The Army pension record confirms that his mother was Elizabeth RAMPTON, of 8 Battersea Park Road, so I think this is the correct family.

William served as a Private in the Royal Fusiliers 34th Battalion, his service number was G/31274, and he died 13 October 1916 in France. He is buried in Aveluy Community Cemetery Extension, L.53.

William Percy Rampton
1888 - 1917

Born circa 1888 to James RAMPTON and Elizabeth SMITH, husband of Rose RAMPTON nee STACEY. Elder brother of Albert RAMPTON. Served as Private 1st/4th Bn. South Lancashire Regiment. Service no. 203439. Died of wounds 6 June 1917 aged 29, buried at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium, XIII. E. 2. Photograph of his memorial stone; further details are on the CWGC website.